Ascenteum Nursing


Our services

Our service is completely person centred and each package of care is put together in partnership with each individual client. Whilst we have specific requirements in place to treat and care for certain conditions, as much as is possible we like to plan and work together with our clients when mobilizing and then delivering their bespoke package on care.
We provide Care and Support packages that are individually tailored to meet the specific needs of each client.
We believe that continuity, choice and control offer solid foundations on which we can successfully work in partnership with all of our clients to deliver the care that they need, when they need it.
We have in-depth experience of providing nurse led care and support to people with the following conditions and support needs:


Working with a nurse manager and a team of carers that will stay with you for the long term, allowing you to build trust and confidence in your own professional care team. Each member of the team is carefully selected to ensure that they not only a fit for your nursing and support needs, but also a good social and cultural fit too.


We believe in empowering our clients through choice. From building their own care team to choosing daily activities and plans, in order to maximise each day.


We support our clients making the key decisions within their own packages of care. As much as is possible, we will always support client decision making and autonomy. We work in partnership with our clients to ensure that they feel in control of every aspect of their package of care.

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